Pyramids in the desert
Young boys racing camels in the desert
Courtyard of a mosque with minarets
People inside a large mosque
View of rooftops and minarets
Car lights streaking across a bridge
A man dancing in colorful dress
A white rock formation in the desert
Visitors walking in a narrow canyon
A wall with hieroglyphs surrounded by water
Illuminated statues and temple ruins
Bird flying low over water at sunset
A boy, boat, and horse on a river shore
Two Bedouin men and child in a tent
Underwater view of fish and diver
Illuminated tombs on riverbank
A man standing in a shallow sea
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The Pyramids of Giza
From any angle, Giza's Pyramids inspire awe. Memorials to Egyptian kings, the Pyramids have risen above the desert outside Cairo for more than 4,000 years. Stone—not sun-dried mud brick—gave permanence to these ancient monuments.
Photograph by Jochen Schlenker/Picture Library

Egypt Photos

See photos of Egypt (including the Pyramids, Cairo, Bedouin, and more) in this travel photo gallery from National Geographic.

November 5, 2009

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