Two Ethiopian boys with body paint
Acacia tree
Mineral deposits around Dallol volcano
Ethiopian farmers plowing with camel
Ethiopian priest with silver cross
Plate of Ethiopian food
Close-up of a male gelada monkey
Ethiopian tribeswoman with necklaces
Danakil Depression in Ethiopia
Aerial view of pelicans over a lake
Stone-carved church in Ethiopia
Man near thatched huts in Ethiopia
Ethiopian woman with lip plate
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Painted Ethiopian Boys
Many members of tribes in southern Ethiopia have resisted the temptation to move to cities and abandon their cultural traditions. Here, two tribal boys painted for a ceremony wait at a roadside hotel near the Omo Valley.
Photograph by Charles Meacham, My Shot

Ethiopia Photos

See photos of Ethiopia (including Lalibela church, tribeswomen, geladas, the Danakil, and more) in this travel photo gallery from National Geographic.

December 28, 2009


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