The colorful onion domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral
A woman walking a snowy street near Red Square
An aerial view of heavy traffic on Moscow’s Garden Ring
Aerial view of the snowcapped peaks and craters of a volcano
A brown bear snagging a salmon with its mouth
Soldiers waiting in the snow at a Kremlin gate
A herder watching his reindeer
People praying behind a woman holding a candle
Statues and paintings in a museum gallery
An archway framing the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg
A Russian Orthodox priest standing in front of his monastery
A young ballet dancer tying her slipper
Flowers framing the window of a traditional log home
A man laying oil pipeline
A view across a wintry lake
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Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow
Legend has it that St. Basil’s Cathedral’s beauty cost its architect his eyes. The Moscow monument was built between 1555 and 1561 by Ivan the Terrible to commemorate a victory over the Mongols, and he’s said to have blinded the architect so that he couldn’t create a rival masterpiece. The Russ...
Photograph by Izzet Keribar/IML Image Group

Russia Photos

See photos of Russia (including Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Siberia, and more) in this travel photo gallery from National Geographic.

January 3, 2010

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