Nat Geo Travel Staff’s 2014 Bucket List
Nat Geo Travel Staff’s 2014 Bucket List
Nat Geo Travel Staff’s 2014 Bucket List
The staff at National Geographic Travel is always criss-crossing the globe to uncover the best and the brightest places, but we have travel wish lists just like everyone else. Here’s where we want to go in 2014 and why.
National Geographic’s 125th Anniversary Expedition: FULL MOVIE
National Geographic’s 125th Anniversary Expedition: FULL MOVIE
National Geographic’s 125th Anniversary Expedition: FULL MOVIE
Superlatives are the bane of travel publishing. Magazines tend to shout their hot pink sans serif headlines, boasting the highest, remotest, southernmost, fanciest, nicest, cheapest, most sophisticated, most beautiful, and most wonderful; in short—the best. But who decides these things, and what exactly constitutes the very best travel experience? Playing with pandas in China? Riding…
Seven Skies
Seven Skies
Seven Skies
“When you reach an empty part of the desert, if the wind blows from the North, then West, South, and East—if the wind comes from every direction, this means, ‘You are not welcome here’, and you need to leave immediately.” Such is the helpful advice of Mohammed on the microphone, his last-minute lecture—‘Intro to Genies’—right…
Photo Gallery: A Day In Oman
Photo Gallery: A Day In Oman
Photo Gallery: A Day In Oman
Is it possible to fall in love with a place in just one day? Yes, of course. The answer is yes. After leaving London on National Geographic’s 125th Anniversary Expedition, we flew to Oman, and shifted suddenly from the cooler fall of Europe into the steamy season of the Gulf. In total, I believe we…
Dead Reckoning
Dead Reckoning
Dead Reckoning
“You only know where you are by remembering how you got there.” So says our professor, anthropologist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis, explaining the sailors’ process of navigation, dead reckoning. He stands in the aisle of the plane, gesturing with his hands, while on either side, a dozen flat screen TV monitors all show…