A man driving a combine in an arena
Men in helmets driving combines
A man driving a combine
A man standing next to a red combine
A man standing in front of a combine
A man adjusting machinery
Photo: Firefighters watching combines in an arena
Two combines in an arena
A man jumping on farm equipment
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Competitive CombineDuring the Combine Demolition Derby at the Hillsdale County Fair in Michigan, drivers of massive farm equipment clash in an intense, three-hour display of grinding steel, sparking engines, and shooting clouds of diesel exhaust. In 2008, the American Festivals Project was on hand to capture the event. Used on farms for harvesting grain, combines are specifically outfitted for competition—heavy and useless parts are removed, and the front of the vehicle is reinforced with additional bars and chains. If the front of the combine is destroyed, the vehicle is eliminated. Read more about the Combine Demolition Derby on the American Festivals Project blog.
Photograph by Ross McDermott, American Festivals Project

Combine Demolition Derby

See photos of the Combine Demolition Derby at the Hillsdale County Fair in Michigan in this American Festivals Project travel photo gallery from National Geographic.

April 05, 2010


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